Please find below the list of important contact numbers in times of emergency.
We will keep the list updated as much as possible.
Contact Name | Contact number |
Ambulance | 9733917254 03325706566 03325006531 9051033762 03325749738 8013072794 03323595899 03325340002 |
Bidhannagar City Police | 03323358188 / 03323240053 |
Electrician - Kajol | 9836791618 |
Electrician - Suranjan | 9231426231 |
Elevator maintenance | 8582852714 |
Fire Station | 03322440163 03322440170 03322440101 03325514309 101 |
Nesarul | 8479013852 |
Plumber - Bimal | 9674276935 |
Plumber - Samir | 9051638414 |
Plumber - Kamal | 8906259971/07890646814 |
Police | 100 |
Police Station Baguiati | 03325598799 |
Printing (stationary) - Mr. B.K.Das | 9836349472 |
We have found the android app JustDial to be very helpful, so we recommend that you use it to get updated contact information for emergency services. App install link provided for convenience.
Disclaimer: The association is not responsible for any consequences arising out of using the contact information or app details provided above. Please exercise your judgment and caution.