Structure & by-laws

Association Structure: 

[NOTE: Everything on this page is in draft stage and will be finalized upon discussion with flat owners.]



  • The President of Durga Residency Flat Owners' Association will have the final call in approving a contract that is brought by the committee and implementing the terms.
  • The President should maintain an overall view on the occurrences and ensure that all residents and members are satisfied without having any qualms or problems. The President should also oversee all expenses and make sure that they are put to good use.


  • The Vice-President will perform the President's role, in his absence.


  • The secretary of Durga Residency Flat Owners' Association will be given the responsibility of conducting various general body meetings.
  • The secretary will also be given the responsibility of compiling the minutes of the meeting and analyzing the overall information brought to the table.
  • The secretary will have to bring up concerns from each individual resident in order to ensure active participation of all members. 


  • The Treasurer of Durga Residency Flat Owners' Association will be given the task of maintaining all funds within the organization. The responsibility of maintaining the money safely along with all documents also rests solely with the Treasurer.
  • The Treasurer’s role is a demanding one and should be bestowed upon an experienced person with good management capabilities, as these documents and funds are very important for the association.
  • The Treasurer should also make note of the overall income and also calculate monthly and yearly expenditures. This way the flow of money will be constantly regulated for the benefit of the residents.

Executive Board:

  • The Executive Board will have members from Flat Owners who will advise the portfolio holders on handling issues.
  • The Board will comprise of 3, 5 or 7 members.


1.  The portfolio holders (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Board) will be chosen by selection in a general meeting attended by at least 50% of flat owners.
2.  The tenure of the portfolio holders will be 1 year from the date of their appointment.
3.  To be eligible for selection as a President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, the nominee will have to fulfill conditions below: 
·         Have a decent background with no history of unsocial activities
·         Be a flat-owner in Durga Residency phase 1 or 2
·         Should not have any maintenance defaults at the time of nomination
4.      To be eligible for selection as an Executive Body member, the nominee will have to fulfill conditions below:
·         Have a decent background with no history of unsocial activities
·         Be a flat-owner or tenant in Durga Residency phase 1 or 2. If tenant, the rent agreement should have at least 1 year left.
·         Should not have any maintenance defaults at the time of nomination
5.     Before completion of 1 year term, a general meeting will be conducted by portfolio holders where nominations will be sought and discussed for next term and finalized.
6.     Upon selection of new team, the old team will hand-over all documents, registers, cash along with cash inflow and outflow statements to the new team. Any discrepancies will need to be audited and decisions finalized in general meeting.
7.     If there are multiple nominations for a single position in future, mode of selection may change to election. Such decisions will be finalized in General meeting based on voting (one vote per flat).


We have the first draft of by-laws ready. 

Please download the PDF file attachment from here.